. . . luv 'n stitches for our tired old world


Well, it’s that WOVEMBER time of year again! Have you discovered WOVEMBER? It’s not your average November. No siree! WOVEMBER is all about the wool! ❤ Any moustache/beard-related participation is strictly optional… Although, hmmm, felting one’s own facial hair might be fashionably feasible in this particular setting. 😉 There’s still time to join the WOVEMBER WAL, by the way! 🙂 I’d like to join in, though it’s unlikely I’ll be able to organize my wool-lovin’ self in time to participate (this year). 😦 How about you? ❤ Jackie


Following suggestions made in our Ravelry group we will be running a WAL this Wovember. A WAL is a “Wool-Along” which works exactly like a KAL, “Knit-Along” but which (unlike a KAL) also includes spinning, weaving, crochet or any other making craft which utilises wool. If you want to join the WOVEMBER WAL simply select your proposed 100% WOOL project and set a timescale for the month. You could:

  • Knit something in 100% WOOL yarn
  • Crochet something in 100% WOOL yarn
  • Sew something in 100% WOOL cloth
  • Weave something in 100% WOOL yarns
  • Felt something in 100% WOOL yarns
  • Complete a personal spinning challenge using 100% WOOL fibres
  • Come up with ingenious other WOOL based making activity
  • The point of the WAL is to celebrate the diversity of what we can do with WOOL, to share what we discover about this amazing textile as we work with it, and…

    View original post 354 more words

    39 responses

    1. This sounds fun, but I can wear it although have trouble knitting it. Allergies to those little fibers that fly from the needles??? Not sure.


      November 11, 2013 at 4:59 am

      • Yeah, some fly-away yarn fibres can take-away the fun when knitting with ’em 😦 … though thankfully not all the fibres ❤


        November 11, 2013 at 2:34 pm

        • lololol I have thought of using one of those masks painters use so they don’t breath in so many fumes of dust if sanding. I have a few skeins of lopi yarn that would make a nice hat It could be a solution.

          Had our first snow fall last evening and more on the way tonight, but not here yet. My grandson is soooo excited!!! I brought 3 containers of snow inside that he played with on his little kitchen table for over 1-1/2 hrs. When one would finally all melt I would get another. Then he asked for water when it all melted. Just quietly mixing away like some chef or scientist. Gave me a nice break to do some needlework.


          November 12, 2013 at 4:31 pm

          • Oh that reminds me of some horrid yarn I bought several years ago. It’s still stashed here somewhere, though can’t find it now. I’m pretty sure it’s Bernat Frenzy. They must’ve discontinued it by now. I kept it because it’s so darned soft and pretty, though the fibres from that stuff shed like there was no tomorrow and made me sneeze constantly! A mask would’ve been useful for that yarn. Just remembering it now makes me feel like sneezing … lol … So did you get any snow yet? Ours is half melted 🙂 What a cool grandma you are, bringing snow inside for your grandson to play with 🙂 He will always remember having SO much fun with you ❤


            November 14, 2013 at 1:30 pm

            • We only got a dusting, but they are predicting lake effect and snow until midnight. Yesterday there was a lot of wind, but very little snow.
              I decided to get the paint and begin painting the kitchen, ceiling, walls, and floor. Paint is never what I think the color will quite be. I wanted a soft peach and picked the lightest one they had, but it is turning out almost white. I know the next shade would have been too dark. The woodwork and cupboards are white and maybe it is reflecting all that white, too, but at least it will look a lot cleaner and brighter.
              I tried some faux stuff like they were doing on tv. and I NEVER really liked it, so anything will be better. LOL I paint until it starts to bother me and a bit of panic sets in that I am too old to be doing this. I know I am not if I just take my time and don’t panic with all those old “jokes” or doctors thinking me too old to do this or that.
              I love to paint and find it relaxing, but I use a 2-3 inch brush as I have never learned how to roller paint. Thus it is like a large 3D canvas for my artistic expression. Maybe I am too old to paint like a house painter, but I don’t care if it takes days and a couple or even few coats so the color underneath doesn’t bleed through. Nothing goodo on tv anyway. lol


              November 24, 2013 at 11:11 am

              • Well, you’ve barely had a dusting of snow? We’ve already plowed our way through a couple feet! And now you’re painting your entire kitchen, including the floor? Wow, that is a huge project! Painting and me (whether painting the side of a fence or blank canvas) have never gotten along, but I’m glad you find it relaxing 🙂 Just be sure to ventilate and never listen to anyone who tries to tell you you’re too old to be crafty ❤


                November 25, 2013 at 8:05 pm

                • Thanks for the encouragement. I really do appreciate it and need it to conquer the thoughts that haunt me as I work. Especially when most people my age are celebrating retirement. lol It doesn’t seem to be in my life plan or at least not yet.

                  Then it wasn’t my imagination the one time when I definitely needed to go outside and breathe in the cold for awhile. I did start to leave the back door ajar for while and will even turn the furnace off for awhile when I continue.

                  We will definitely get the snow sometime, but not yet. I remember as a child when we had such a storm that I had to “wade” though thigh high snow to go to the corner store for my mother at Thanksgiving. Now it often doesn’t hit us big time until January and February and then with no let up. I finally got the summer outside cat to go outside again today. He gets freaky when he comes inside sometimes and has camped out by the living room picture window “pretending”? he is outside. When he gets freaky, too sensitive to all the closeness and movement and still a bit on the wild side or protecting himself and his space from predators(us), I put him in the basement which he seems to appreciate. Yet he wants to sit with me all the time so I get nothing done. I don’t know if he wants to control me or I am safety to him. Last year he really tamed into the inside cat lifestyle, but spring came and he was outside in the “wild” again. Of course the hound does like to pounce on him. lol A lot of adjustment for all of us.


                  November 26, 2013 at 6:29 am

                  • lol … cats… who can figure ’em out 😉 Very nice, though, when they are calm and keep you company! We don’t have any pets in our home. As for the snow, they say our winters will become much more mild in the next 50 years—which is a nice thought for anyone who thinks they’ll still be here by then! For now, we’re expecting a repeat of the snow storm from a couple weeks ago. Snowstorms followed by mild melts seems to be our wintery routine. We were talking to our cousin Helen in Ohio today and she said it was 27ºF and cold. I replied it had been -3ºC and pretty mild outside. We then calculated the temps and realized we’d had the same weather… HA! … Perspective is a funny thing 🙂 The idea of retirement also seems to be changing. Best to remain active, rather than sit back and just grow old! Bundle up if you feel cold and be sure to keep the air flowing while you paint! ❤


                    November 29, 2013 at 7:47 pm

                    • Yes, I have been keeping that door open with the furnace running, but the fresh air is worth it. I did go out and walk in front of the house with the dog yesterday. Poor thing hasn’t been out much for weeks. We miss our walks. I did get a 10.1″ tablet on line at the black friday sales. Not an ipad as I went for a much less expensive one so I won’t freak when my 3 yr old grandson uses it. lol It will be a good learning experience for both of us as I have no idea how it will work or what all it will do. It is rare that I shop them, but cabin fever is setting in again and there will only be so much I can knit and paint all winter. lol Sometimes I feel like I am living in the books I read as I read so much. Going out for a “walk” in front of the house before it gets dark. “Freedom!” Thru with the painting for the day.


                      November 30, 2013 at 2:51 pm

                      • Your new tablet will help the winter months fly by, for sure 🙂 Funny how we carry our digital devices like fragile babies… Hopefully yours will remain intact 🙂 Maybe you’ll knit it a cozy? Knitting an iPad cozy is still on my knit list. We’re emerging from a week of -40ºC/F, so I can relate to your lack of getting outdoors… too-o-o-o cold for walking with pleasure! Today is currently -5ºC, so feels like “summer” … lol … crazy Canadian winters! ❤


                        December 9, 2013 at 2:14 pm

                      • Yes, I am already worrying about it breaking and having to make the expense again. Still no wifi router so trying to be patient and painting away. The delay is probably best as it is motivating me to get the job completed. It is in the budget, I think, for this month as I mentally think it unless something else takes priority over it. But just having one is a huge step forward for this non techy who never even wanted to have and use a computer. LOL Now I am trying to learn as much as I can absorb for regular use for my needs and more. How times change! In a few years I am not sure one can do daily life without one and it makes me wonder about the people who really can not afford one.

                        Your winters are so COLD and we thought ours were bad. I watch the shows on Alaska and wonder how the people do it with no roads to anywhere and only planes to supply the one store they may or may not have. The ice road across the froze lake is fascinating that they can do that. We do F instead of C so I am still not sure of your temp, lol, another thing for me to learn. On the computer where you live is such a beautiful place and with roads, stores, etc, so it could be worse. We are having quite the snowfall today. It is beautiful!!!


                        December 10, 2013 at 8:15 am

                      • Hi Carol ❤ Sorry for this delayed reply. Hope you’re making good progress with painting your kitchen! Is your grandson trying to assist with his finger painting skills? Are you addicted to your new tablet yet? 😉 Yes, our winters do get very cold! Last week it was -40ºC/F and a couple guys from Michigan were on the news… They commented that they knew what it was to be cold, but figured we had invented it … lol … When it gets down to -40, there’s no difference between F and C 🙂 Hope you’re enjoying your snow! ❤


                        December 16, 2013 at 8:37 pm

                      • OMG!!! That is so cold!!!!! I woke up Monday realizing I was totally snowed in as it had been snowing so much. I was so intent on what I was doing inside and even though I had shoveled off the porch areas and steps to let the dog out and mailman a few times, not driving I sort of neglected to look farther except behind the front window enjoying the beautiful winter scenery. Even though my neighbor was using his snow blower quite a few times for himself and a neighbor, it never connected that someone should at least be making a path to the street. lol Just loving the scenery.

                        Then Sunday night I remembered that my son was not in town and his friend who does it for him was probably hunting and at camp all weekend, too. To bring Kian in, his mom shoveled a path and later the friend showed up to do the driveway. I warned her to wear boots.

                        We are just not in winter form yet, but I think it did wake us up to it quickly. In a pinch I am sure I could have had the neighbor kids do at least a path. Are there any clothes that are warm enough for those temps. There must be as I watch them on the Alalska shows when they are outside all the time. The predicted snow had missed us so many times……..


                        December 17, 2013 at 5:33 am

                      • lol .. Sometimes it’s nice to get away! Even better when all you need to do is stay indoors 😉 Wool truly is warm in super-duper-cold weather! We’d heard there was a big snow storm out east. Our family in southern Ontario finally got snow for Christmas! By the way, I actually don’t mind shoveling and would gladly clear the walkway for you ❤


                        December 17, 2013 at 3:19 pm

                      • Today rain, rain, and more rain. lol Then another snow storm, I think. Haven’t checked the weather today to see the forecast. With the thaw still time to decorate outside if the rain stops. Yesterday the Christmas spirit finally hit me. Glad of it.

                        I got a knitted chevron pattern in my e-mail and started it yesterday. I am using the pattern which is for wool, but am using 2 strands of different yarns to make it in whatever colors I have to mix together. lol There is something so basic and ordered about the chevron that makes me really like it although I have never made one for me. Really don’t need another project to add to the ones around here, but somehow my creative spirit needed to burst out once again into something. lol It should be colorful and warm, I have been working on it watching cooking shows this morning to memorize the pattern a bit so if I make a mistake it can be corrected. Have made a few so far. Only 2 rows to the pattern, but a bit intense as no just plain easy rows of just knit or purl.

                        Ready to go back to my simple shawl with only knit and one increase in each row. lol Now that the pattern is established it is getting easier if I pay attention. lol

                        When I took the bus to work everyday I wore wool sweaters, socks, and had a very warm wool coat and thermals underneath and you are right, wool is incredibly warm even in the blustery cold. I like not having to clean off a car and the bus was warm when I got in it. lol Those were the days. lol Walking out in the fresh air was really nice, too.

                        Have a great holiday season!


                        December 21, 2013 at 9:52 am

                      • Sounds like you’re all cozy inside knitting… just need a fireplace burning 🙂 Before moving here, we lived just outside Vancouver, BC. Southern BC winters are dominated by rain! Taking the bus to work there would often include wringing my socks upon arriving. For that reason, I far prefer the snow. Freezing rain in winter is no picnic either, though… especially days before Christmas! Hope that recent ice storm didn’t hit your area too hard! ❤ Wishing you a very merry Christmas!


                        December 25, 2013 at 7:32 pm

                      • No ice storm, but pretty white snow. lol The rain wasn’t so bad except for the drain in the basement that without a pump would be overflowing. The temps went up into the 50’s; yet, if taking the bus and being out in it, the socks would have definitely suffered and it would have felt like freezing. I am preferring the snow and hoping soon I won’t have to keep going down and checking the basement drain. It sure has been rehabbing my ability to do those stairs though after the injuries and some Christmas lights were put outside on lilac bushes to celebrate the birth of Christ. lol God always has a plan…………..


                        December 26, 2013 at 7:55 am

                      • Yup, God always has a plan… and good to hear your attitude is aligned with His, regarding the stairs 🙂 Hope your pump keeps all the flooding away! I’m glad you didn’t get hit with the ice storm. Lots of people in Toronto have been without electricity for over a week! That would be very, very difficult 😦 especially heart-breaking at Christmas! Draping your lilac bushes in Christmas lights is an enlightening idea ❤


                        December 29, 2013 at 9:06 pm

                      • lol The idea wasn’t so much enlightening as a desperate attempt to save some work I wasn’t sure I could do. I thought this would shorten the job out in the cold. In God’s enlightening eyes it ended up being more work putting those lights on those lilac bushes instead of on those neatly arranged hooks across the front of the house which once again reminded me that work is a good thing and do it and not try to avoid it. Lately I do seem to notice how much some people seem to avoid some just down to earth common sense work and it only makes more work and more trouble in the long run. I even ended up needing to cart a 6 ft. ladder outside and climb it repeatedly and those hooks are very reachable. lol I think He teaches me in my life every day. I could be wrong, but don’t think so.

                        Years ago I installed those hooks to make it easier, but was listening to someone else’s advice in my head. This person does try and avoid A LOT of “work.” Better to listen to God. The advice was “don’t put those lights out and risk falling and it is so cold blah blah blah……..” You can see the added risk of injury in the lilac bush idea, plus He had arranged a beautifiul 50 degree temp thaw for 2 days.


                        December 30, 2013 at 6:47 am

                      • Yup, always best to listen to God 🙂 Life’s easier when we exercise a teachable attitude, but when will we ever learn, right?!? … lol … I’m not one for climbing ladders, so it’s good to hear the lights were hung without you slipping any rungs! And wasn’t that thoughtful of God to schedule mild temps in time for you to install your Christmas lights ❤


                        December 31, 2013 at 5:51 pm

                      • Yes, He is a good God.


                        January 2, 2014 at 12:30 pm

                      • amen to that ❤


                        January 3, 2014 at 9:02 pm

    2. This is such a great, catchy title! Love it!!!


      November 11, 2013 at 2:20 pm

      • Yeah, me too 🙂 Do you knit/crochet/weave… etc? This is the first time I’ve heard the WAL acronym and always enjoy a play on words ❤


        November 11, 2013 at 2:49 pm

    3. I love the motivation of the month. I hope you found something amusing to read and thanks for the visits. -OM


      November 14, 2013 at 1:57 am

      • Hey there OM, thanks for stopping by 🙂 Yeah, the wovember blog has a lot of interesting stuff to say about wool in the UK! … I’ve been reading 1-2 months behind with my inbox, so you may have noticed me plowing through your posts recently? Your adoption story is very interesting. Your writing style feels so free, which makes your posts quite relaxing/entertaining to read ❤


        November 14, 2013 at 1:34 pm

        • Thank you I am glad you find it so. I like it to be “easy to read” even if it is something people disagree with.


          November 14, 2013 at 3:54 pm

          • Same here 🙂 I’m always glad when non-knitters find something they like, over here at my “knitting” blog. Your blog is easy to read because it is freely and honestly written. You have a knack for normalizing the “everyday” through frequent-yet-brief posts… All the while keeping on top of the billions of comments you receive! Keep up the good work ❤


            November 14, 2013 at 11:06 pm

    4. Pingback: how to make a heartfelted Bramble❤tini loop ornament | knitting with heart

    5. Oh, fighting tablet addiction for sure, but already planning on budgeting for a better one. LOL


      December 17, 2013 at 5:34 am

      • Yeah, me too… Last week was my husband’s work Christmas party. One iPad keyboard was in the gift exchange… I’d had it, but then someone “stole” it from me (to go along with an IPad they were already planning to gift)… Oh well, the built-in keypad is okay, but wouldn’t mind upgrading to a separate keyboard ❤


        December 17, 2013 at 3:35 pm

        • What kind of person “steals” a Christmas gift or was it that dirty Santa gifting game? I find sitting up and typing on a keyboard even though it seems easier to lounge on the couch with tablet goes a lot faster and strengthens my back serving 2 purposes. I have been lounging with tablet too much and my back or hip almost went out when I was folding 2 grocery bags and putting them away with a bit of stoop and twist. Oddly that it didn’t happen when I was sitting up and typing or when I was climbing ladders and painting. A definite God slap into more reality somehow. My family has a strong work ethic and guess I had better stick to it.

          Another thing is my arm gets tired and shoulder with all that finger swiping instead of a mouse. Uses a whole different set of muscles. But then too much of anything is too much. Even knitting which I have been doing now for quite some time since before dawn. Time to get to something else, I guess. Probably a different area of the brain used, too.


          December 30, 2013 at 6:58 am

          • lol … Yup, it was that silly Christmas party gift-snatching game. That’s the only time when stealing is okay 😉 Posture really takes a beating, these days… what with all the keyboarding, iPad swiping, sitting ‘n knitting we do daily. And you’re right about too much of anything being too much. ‘Guess I’ll make “more activity” my New Year’s resolution (again) ❤


            December 31, 2013 at 6:06 pm

            • I decided to begin our short dog walk at 7:30am once again this morning. Enough laying around and reading . I thought it felt fairly winter warm as I waded through the snow to the street Very short walk with no cane so was quite elated and the dog wanted to go in? Got inside and the weather channel said the wind chill was 1 degree!!! Who knew. Aparrently the dog. Good thing I didn’t know before we went out.


              January 2, 2014 at 12:28 pm

              • lol … been there, felt that! ❤


                January 3, 2014 at 8:58 pm

                • And they say there are more “frigid cold” temps “coming from Canada”, like Canada is sending it instead of Mother Nature, and on the way after this 2 day reprieve of slightly warm temps, so putting the other heater on in the basement and stocking up on some heat, lol, just so if the furnace would go out there would be more heat in the house to last on. How bad is that. But the house is well insulated it seems, but that frigid basement right now is not helping. Heat rises and keeps the furnace from coming on so much.

                  Nice to be working on an afghan right now because as it gets longer and heavier as using double yarn it will be nice and warm and cozy. lol Even the cantankerous basement and outside cat came upstairs this morning to snuggle. I put fleece blankets on the table on which he lays, but when I did that on the floor to keep him warm he moved to the bare cement???

                  Someone did some grocery shopping for the basic staples for baking, etc. last evening so stocked up for the long haul. Do you do that so your trips out are fewer?


                  January 4, 2014 at 7:46 am

                  • HA! … silly fur ball 😉 Who can figure out cats, right?!? My computer is in our unfinished basement, where I try to avoid contact with the cement floor as much as possible! It is rather chilly down here, especially after sunset. Area rugs + wearing/wrapping myself in extra layers + sporadic use of an electric heater under my desk make it doable. Upstairs, there’s a door to the basement—which we keep shut to save the furnace’s effort. For sure, we’re always thinking how best to minimize our winter running-around time! Oh, and the current blast of cold air in the USA (which is hopefully not too terribly cold for you) is not from Canada… yay! It’s a polar vortex direct from “santa” at the North Pole… brrrrrrrrr!!! Only a few more months of this… ❤


                    January 7, 2014 at 1:51 pm

                    • lol Ya, guess it was the last one that they said was from Canada. This one is polar. lol For Russian Christmas Santa had to make another run…………

                      It seems funny that we are making such a big thing about the dangers of the temps, etc, when this is just normal for you and many parts of the world. Although working with kids I have seen them sent out in this kind of weather definitely not dressed warm enough at all and it is a bit scary. All the area schools were closed as was the thru way from Cleveland to Buffalo, I think. One newscaster said what would our pioneer settlers think of us and how wimpy we are when they had none of the modern things we have to weather these storms. Makes one think.

                      Last night it went down to -35 degrees or more and my dog was a bit frantic listening to the strong winds with the temp. dropping. The first time I rescued her was weather much like this and she was out in the back yard all afternoon and I couldn’t get her to trust me enough to even give her something to eat to bribe her inside. She would just cower on the ground. When the last parent came to pick up her child she offered to help me get her inside. She wasn’t even 1 yr. the vet said and because she was a puppy I would put all my thermals and wools on and wind pants and go outside and play ball with her and the dalmatian we had. Then the owner took her back and that was a mistake so I ended up rescuing her again. They lived only kitty cornered from us, but with all the bushes filled with leaves all summer I didn’t know that until spring. Maybe she was having flash backs of those days. They don’t forget much. The actual temp was in the minus and will be that tonight probably as it was for part of the day, but it feels so much warmer without that wind. Maybe one has to hibernate a bit like the bears.

                      Then they say it could go up in the 40’s F by the weekend. It will feel like summer. lol


                      January 7, 2014 at 5:21 pm

                      • Indeed our region gets more of the cold than your area. And winds definitely make ALL the difference! Harsh, sub-zero temps are never easy, though—no matter where (or when) we live. We roll our eyes at the way newscasters try to build headlines around it, but there’s nothing funny about any living creature left unprotected from the elements! It’s so good to hear how you were able to rescue your dog ❤

                        We were -38.3ºC/-37ºF on Sunday. Mild temps moved in a couple days later… And now our entire forecast hovers near/above freezing… ahhhhhh 🙂 It’ll be icy, but still nice to get a break!


                        January 10, 2014 at 2:00 pm

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