. . . luv 'n stitches for our tired old world

Posts tagged “Cpl. Nathan Cirillo

loss for words Wednesday ❤ the day after

Halifax Chronicle-Herald editorial cartoon by Canadian cartoonist Bruce MacKinnon

Halifax Chronicle-Herald editorial cartoon
by Canadian cartoonist Bruce MacKinnon.


“We’re all aware and deeply troubled that both of
this week’s terrorist attacks were carried out by Canadian citizens…
By young men born and raised in this peaceful country.”

— Prime Minister Stephen Harper in his address to Canada’s House of Commons

❤  ❤  ❤

RIP Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent
— run over by a car during an attack in
Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC on Monday.

RIP Corporal Nathan Cirillo
— shot dead at point-blank range, while guarding
the National War Memorial in Ottawa on Wednesday.

God keep our land glorious and free!  ❤ Jackie